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Ashton debuted in 1985 and is considered one of the world’s premier luxury cigar brands, savored by cigar lovers in over 60 countries. Ashton enjoys a worldwide reputation for quality, consistency, and amazing taste. Legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente blends the entire Ashton portfolio from the finest aged tobaccos in the world, and the original Ashton Classic blend is among the most sought-after cigars ever created. A glistening, golden-blond Connecticut Shade wrapper conceals a marvelous amalgam of premium Dominican long-fillers in several traditional sizes. Tasting notes of cedar, cashew, coffee bean, and almond harbor a touch of spice in a smooth and velvety profile aged to perfection. Ashton cigars boast superb construction and aroma in a mild and creamy blend considered the benchmark for premium Dominican taste for more than three and a half decades.
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